4 min read

How Total onboards new employees with RandomCoffee

Sylvie Arlabosse
Director of Communication
Total GNL

TOTAL S.A. is a French multinational integrated oil and gas company founded in 1924 and one of the seven « Supermajor » oil companies in the world.RandomCoffee connected more than 350 new employees from ENGIE with 450 coworkers from TOTAL. The initiative included 8 different job branches as was deployed in 3 countries: France, England and Switzerland.

For what purpose did your company start RandomCoffee?

During the summer of 2018, TOTAL closed the acquisition of Engie’s upstream LNG business. The employees of this group joined TOTAL but were based in another building.

What objectives does RandomCoffee answer to within your company?

The goal was to allow new people who joined the branch to start networking within the company to facilitate their integration. This is a crucial factor during an acquisition. Since these new colleagues are based in another building, RandomCoffee was the perfect solution.

What were the key success factors?

It was absolutely necessary for the employees who were already a part of TOTAL to be engaged in the initiative so the newcomers could build their network. With the help of our management, this was successfully done.

What results did you observe?

A great part of the employees got involved, some even participated in 5 random coffees or more. This was proof that the employees were very appreciative of the initiative.

We have decided to expand RandomCoffee to the entire branch since we do not always know our colleagues, even the ones that are at the end of the hall. This helps us all expand our network and create a better environment at work, with barely any effort!

Results at
Total GNL
Involved employees
Cross-dept meetings

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